#mIRC-Help Undernet


mIRC Commands


/action sends the specified action to the active window.

/ame sends the specified action to all channels which you are currently on.

/amsg sends the specified message to all channels which you are currently on.

/auser adds a user with the specified access level to the remote users list.

/away sets you away with the message specified. Whenever someone sends you a msg or does a whois on you, they automatically see whatever message you set.

/away sets you no longer away.

/ban [#channel] [nick] bans the specified nick from the current channel.

/beep [ ] beeps 'number' times with 'delay' in between the beeps.

/channel pops up the channel central window when in a channel.

/clear clears the buffer of the window.

/clearall clears all text in all open windows.

/close -icfgms@ [nick1] [nickN] closes (inactive, chat, fserve, get, message, send or custom) windows. /ctcpreply [message] sends a reply to a ctcp query to nickname.

/ctcps [on|off] sets the Tools/Remote/Commands section on or off.

/dcc send sends the specified file to nick.

/dcc chat opens a dcc window and sends a dcc chat request to nickname.

/describe sends an action to the specified nickname or channel, the same as the /me command, except that /me is used while in a query or channel window so you don't need to specify the target when using it.

/disconnect forces a disconnect from a server. This is different from the /quit command which sends a quit message to the server and waits for the server to disconnect you. /dns uses your provider’s DNS to resolve an IP address.

/exit mIRC shuts down and closes.

/font activates the font selection dialog.

/fsend [on|off] shows fsends status and allows you to turn dcc fast send on or off.

/fserve [welcome text file] opens a fileserver.

/guser [-a] [type] adds the user to the user list with the specified level and address type. /help brings up the section in the mIRC help file, which matches the specified keyword.

/ial [on|off] turns the Internal Address List on and off.

/identd [on|off] [userid] activates the Identd server with the given userid.

/ignore [-rpcntiu#][on|off|nickname|address] [type] ignores a nick or address or sets ignore on or off. Type /ignore-r to remove.

/invite <#channel> invites another user to a channel.

/join <#channel> makes you join the specified channel.

/kick <#channel> kicks nickname off a given channel.

/list lists all channels pertaining to ‘keyword’.

/load –rs filename.extension loads the remote script in mIRC.

/log [on|off] [windowname] shows the logging status or sets it on or off for the window. /me sends the specified action to the active channel or query window.

/mode [#] +o [nick] grants ops to a nick. Example: /mode #mIRC-Help +o murf.

/mode [#] +b [address] bans a nick by their address from the channel. The proper address format is *!*username@*.host.domain . Example: /mode #mIRC-Help +b *!*jp@*.irc.com.

/mode [#] +m sets the channel mode to moderated. This means that only ops and people with voice can type to the channel. All others are silenced on the channel. Example: /mode #mIRC-Help +m. /mode [#] +v [nick] used in conjunction with +m mode. After setting to moderated, a user can be given permission to speak by setting the mode to +v. Example: /mode #mIRC-Help +v murf.

/mode [#] +s makes the channel secret. It will not be shown in a channel listing. It can still be joined if the channel name is known. Example: /mode #mIRC-Help +s.

/mode [#] +p makes the channel private. It will not be shown in a channel listing. The users on the channel can be listed with a /who or /names command. Example: /mode #mIRC-Help +p.

/mode [#] +I makes the channel invite only. You must be invited by an op on the channel to join. Example:/mode #mIRCHelp +i.

/mode [#] +t restricts channel topic changes to operators only. Example: /mode #mIRC-Help +t.

/mode [#] +n prevents messages from outside the channel from being sent to the channel. This does not affect personal messages to individual users. Example: /mode #mIRC-Help +n.

/mode [#] +l [number] limits the number of users that may occupy the channel. In this example, the limit is 30 users. Example: /mode #mIRC-Help +l 30.

/mode [#] +k [keyword] sets a password for the channel. Cannot join without typing /join #channelname [keyword] Example: /mode #mIRCHelp +k abracadabra.

/msg <#channel|nickname> sends a private message to this user without opening a query window.

/names <#channel> shows the nicks of all people on the given channel. If the nick is +I, they will not show up in the listing, and if the channel is +p or +s you will get no results.

/nick changes your nickname to what you type; undernet has a 9 character nickname lmit. /notice sends the specified notice message to the nick.

/notify [on|off|nickname] toggles notifying you of a nick on IRC or sets it on or off.

/notice [#channel] sends the specified notice message to all channel ops.

/omsg [#channel] sends the specified message to all ops on a channel.

/part <#channel> makes you leave the specified channel with the message as your part message.

/partall makes you leave all channels you are on with the message as your part message.

/query opens a query window to this user and sends them the private message.

/quit [reason] disconnects you from IRC with the optional quit message.

/remote [on|off] sets the Tools/Remote section on or off or checks its status.

/remove deletes the requested file. /rlevel removes all users from the remote users list with the specified access level.

/run [parameters] runs the specified program with parameters.

/ruser [-r] [type] removes the user from the remote users list.

/savebuf [lines] saves lines from the buffer of a window to a file.

/say says whatever you want to the active window.

/server [server name] [port] connects to the server.

/server –m [server name] [port] opens a connection to a new server.

/sound [nickname|#channel] sends an action plays the sound file.

/splay plays .wav and .mid files to just you.

/sreq [ask | auto | ignore] sets your DCC 'On Send request' settings in DCC/Options.

/time tells you the time on the server you are on.

/timer[N] [| ] activates a timer.

/timestamp [-a|e|s] [on|off] [window] turns on/off timestamping in windows or globally. (-s = for status window, -a = for active window, -e = for every window).

/titlebar sets mIRC's titlebar to the specified text.

/topic <#channel> changes the topic for the specified channel.

/unload <-a|-rs> unloads the specified alias or remote script file.

/uwho [nick] pops up the user central with information about the specified user.

/version shows you the version of the IRC server you use.

/who <*address.string*> shows people on the network with a matching address if they are not set +i.

/whois shows information about someone in the status window.

/whowas shows information about someone who just left IRC. It works for a very short time after they disconnect only.

/window allows you to create and manipulate custom windows.



AlcooL- @ 2005 mIRC-Help Romania